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Friday 25 February 2011

The Unkissable

You know you’ve kissed my soul
So please be gentle

Used to be the unkissable soul
Now it’s sinking

The redness of your rouge
Stained then turned to purple

The warmth of your lips
Drained my nerves and kernel

You’ve kissed my soul
But you left after all

Now it’s scattered into pieces
Big and small

Mass of flesh, group of bones
Dumped down grave's hall

It’s been kissed, my unkissable soul

Thursday 17 February 2011

The Discovery of One’s Own Smile

I recently learned that there is a kind of fish called “the blind fish”. They are literally blind though they do have eyes just like normal fish. If you know that they live in a particular lake, which is in a cave where no light can get into there, you may say that this is a blessing for these fish; so that they may adapt to their environment. However, note here that these fish have become blind, but they are not born so! Therefore, if it were not for those fish who first came to that dark lake and decided to live there, the little ones would have been born just normal!
What I want to say here is that if these little fish know about the open seas and vast oceans outside that cave and they know that they may have the ability to see, will they consider going out to discover their smile?!!
I reckon that there is going to be both groups, those who will stay and those who will leave. Who will find happiness?? Is something else, don’t you think?!